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Safety and Security

Keeping you safe at the Vitality London 10,000

We work closely with the Metropolitan Police and other organisations and have a range of measures in place to ensure your safety and security. These include our highly trained security personnel, random bag searches, sniffer dogs and extensive CCTV across the route, as well as other measures that may not be visible, to keep you safe.

Our safety and security teams

Our highly trained teams work alongside police officers, the emergency services and event organisers. Our teams include highly trained stewards and security dogs, with very experienced handlers, who patrol the crowds, but please be assured the dogs are friendly – and welcome a pat! 

Our safety and security teams are always close by, and our stewards are very aware that not everyone is familiar with London, so will be keeping their eyes open for anyone who may need some assistance or directions. Don’t be surprised if they pop up to say hello!

Every steward on and around the route can communicate with the Event Control Room, where we work closely with the police and other emergency services via radio and other channels should they need support.

You can expect to see many members of the police force on and around the course. There’s no need to be concerned about the increased police presence – they are there to help you feel safe and to support us in delivering a secure and successful event. 

Participants passing through security

Because of the measures we have in place, participants need to allow extra time to pass through our security arrangements, where searches may also take place. You can help this process go more smoothly and avoid delays by wearing your bib number ready for inspection and complying with any instructions the search teams may give you.

Project Servator

We support Project Servator, which involves police officers carrying out highly visible and unpredictable deployments that can happen anywhere at any time. For more information, visit met.police.uk/projectservator and look out for #ActionCountersTerrorism, #TogetherWeveGotItCovered and #ProjectServator on social media channels.

How can you help?

We need you to support our efforts to keep you safe and secure so If you see something suspicious report it to a steward, a police officer or ring 999.