Q&A with mental health advocate Jada Sezer
07 October 2020
Jada Sezer is a model, content creator and mental health advocate. She’s also an ambassador for UN Women UK and the YoungMinds mental health charity.
We talk to Jada about her relationship with running and the Celebrate You campaign at the 2020 Vitality London 10,000
Why did you start running?
I wanted to join a group to be a part of a community when I moved to East London, and came across the founder of Run Dem Crew, Charlie Dark. He sparked my love for running, and then the journalist Bryony Gordon set me the challenge of running the TCS London Marathon with her.
What motivates you to run?
Sometimes when I’m stressed, I feel like I want to run out of my body, get rid of all the adrenaline rushing through me, and I know running is an outlet for that. I run for mental clarity and it reminds me of my own self-motivation.
How often do you go out running?
I’ve started to get back to my usual two to three times a week. I’ll run one kilometre as a warm-up if I’m at the gym before I start working out. Often, when I’m out on the street, I find myself running for longer.
Celebrate You is all about running for your head and your heart. How has running helped improve your mental health and wellbeing?
Running reveals exactly where I am, physically and mentally: when my body is tired and I go for a run, I just can’t push myself. Equally when my mind is overloaded and I try to focus on my pace and rhythm, it’s a struggle. I like the information that comes up for me and I try to figure out what I really need, not what I should do. Most of the time running makes me feel a sense of freedom and confidence. It makes me appreciate what my body is capable of.
What would be your one piece of advice for a first-time runner or someone considering taking up running?
Welcome to the constant journey and congratulations for starting. Starting is half the battle, the other half is being willing to start again and again!
You’re running the first-ever virtual Vitality London 10,000 – why should other people sign up and join you?
If you’re curious but nervous to start your running journey, see this as a goal being set and completed with the helping hands of tons of supportive women. We’re all in this together. Join us on this little adventure and tune in as we all celebrate our bodies together!