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London Marathon Foundation

About the London Marathon Foundation

The London Marathon Foundation was created in 1981 by London Marathon founders John Disley and Chris Brasher to distribute the surplus, via corporate Gift Aid, from the London Marathon and other events organised by London Marathon Events, including the Vitality London 10,000.

The London Marathon Foundation's vision is a society in which everyone is physically active, contributing to their health and wellbeing, and its mission is to Inspire Activity by providing funding to initiatives that enable people to become and remain physically active regardless of age, gender, ability, race or background and challenge inequality of access to physical activity.

The London Marathon Foundation celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2021 and over the past four decades has awarded over £100 million to more than 1,500 projects across the UK.

Projects that have received funding can be found in every London borough and across the country.

Current priorities

The London Marathon Foundation aims to reflect the spirit of the London Marathon in its grant-making. It is currently aiming to Inspire Activity by supporting existing grantees to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and funding groups in areas across London that are known to have lower levels of physical activity.

The London Marathon Foundation is working to remove barriers to participation to provide more opportunities for its target groups, including children and young people, women and girls, ethnically diverse communities and people with disabilities, to become more active.

The London Marathon Foundation is a registered charity (number 283813) and registered company (number 1550741). To find out more about the London Marathon Foundation, visit click here and follow @LMFoundation_ on Twitter.